Purple / Navy Stripes


Scrappy Stripy Quilt – Mix-Matched Fabrics

This scrappy quilt has been in my stash for years! My husband and I bought the fabric for a quilt back in Rhode Island. I was going to teach him to sew, he created his own design, and then change happened. We moved and the fabric went into a box. During quarantine (a la March/April) I finally opened the box and made his design. This fabric was the leftovers. I began cutting strips and piecing it together. Not having a true end goal, but just to use the fabric I had. Needless to say this quilt turned out better and brighter than I thought it would!

Drew has a thing about purple, I have a thing for teals/blues. Mix the colors together and you get this quilt! It is a true scrap quilt. If you look closely, there are some pieces as small as 2” x 2”. After the top of this quilt sat in a box and moved again, then I finally found the perfect backing! The herringbone pattern with the bright pops of color, stole my heart and I had to buy it. Of course I ordered too much so be on the lookout for another quilt to have this awesome fabric in it!

I wanted to keep the quilting on this quilt as simple as the design is. Straight lines, in the ditch and in the other direction equally spaced perpendicular. I found a purple thread that melted into the fabric, a perfect match can never be underestimated. My machine did as it was told, with a brand new quilting guide bar attached to my walking foot. Made quick work of quilting.

Sometimes quilts come easily, other times they show up again and again. Just goes to show, even if a project gets pushed aside, there is always room for it to come back into fruition.    

Head to my shop to see all available quilts and fabric!

To see more final images and buy this quilt click on the photo below!


Grl Pwr - A Quilt that Tested Patience


Gradient Rainbow Quilt